The activists are all members of the LGBT organisation Let’s Walk Uganda. When the activists were attacked by a mob, the police chose to arrest the activists, the organisation writes on Facebook. The police performed an anal investigation on the men in order to ‘’prove’’ their homosexual acts.
A police spokesman confirms to press agency Reuters the arrest of the activists. “Based on the medical examination report, it was established that the suspects were involved in sexual acts punishable under the penal code.” He claims they also found condoms, lubricants and PrEP. As of now, it is still unclear if and how the men will be charged and sentenced. The men have been released in the meantime.
Frank Mugisha, Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) accuses the Ugandan government of violating rights of LGBT people. “They use sham criminal charges designed to silence us and force anal exams to humiliate and torture us. Our communities are demanding that the charges against these 16 defendants be immediately dropped.”
The situation for homosexuals in Uganda has been described as oppressive to say the least. This month, multiple reports about violence against LGBT individuals were published, such as the murder on a gay activist. A minister proposed to punish homosexuality with the death penalty, but this was revoked quickly.