Last Sunday evening the police invaded The Ram Bar in the centre of Kampala. According to a police spokesperson, the raid was instigated because illegal substances were being smoked. According to the BBC, opium and cannabis were found in the bar.
Activist Sean Mugisha tells Voice of America that a health meeting was being held in the bar on Sunday evening. According to him, the Ram Bar is the only safe place for the LGBT + community in the Ugandan capital. “I think it’s totally aimed at intimidation of the LGBT Community," says Frank Mugisha (no family), president of Sexual Minorities Uganda. According to Mugisha, the arrests are based on trumped up charges. “I don't think all 120 people were publicly smoking.”
67 of the 120 arrested individuals are being charged with "common nuisance". Lawyer Patricia Kimera tells Associated Press that the accused can be imprisoned for up to a year. The police denies that it was an action against the LGBT+ community.
Homosexuality is forbidden in Uganda and is punishable with life imprisonment. Last month, while plans to introduce the death penalty for homosexuality were withdrawn, 16 LGBT people were also arrested and examined anally.