Enough money raised for first Muslim Pride in London

The British Muslim LGBT+ organisation Imaan has raised enough money to organise a Muslim Pride in London. The organisation received more than £10,000 to set up the event, which is planned in spring next year.
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“This is going to help the next generation to know it's okay for them to be LGBT and also be Muslim,” a spokesperson of Imaan told the Evening Standard. Imaan was founded in 1999 to help Muslims who felt isolated. The organisation says LGBT+ Muslims often have to face homo-, trans- and Islamophobia.

“There's Islamophobia that we sometimes have to deal with within Pride and within LGBTQI communities,” Joy Muhammad of Imaan told BBC Newsbeat. Muhammad says LGBT+ Muslims sometimes feel torn between their religion and sexuality. “Not only with the Muslim community, but also with other religious communities, we're being told to choose between our religion and our queer identity.”

It wasn’t certain at all if Imaan would be able to achieve the £10,000 goal. One day before the deadline, Imaan had to collect more than 400 pounds. The organisation is hoping to organise the event in spring next year.

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