US embassy Tel Aviv flies Pride flag

Amerika, America, USA, US, embassy, ambassade, Pride flag, rainbow, flag, outtv, gay, pride, Tel Aviv Pride Parade, Trump, Mike Pence, President, ban, gay news, LGBT, LHBT, lesbian, Israel, Pride
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At the start of Tel Aviv Pride, where more than 250.000 people came together, the official Twitter account of the United States of America embassy in Jerusalem tweeted: “The US embassy is ready for Tel Aviv Pride tomorrow” along with a picture of the office decorated in rainbow banners and flags.

The embassy in Jerusalem was one of four countries with a ban on flying the Pride flag. Germany, Brazil and Latvia were also explicitly prohibited to fly the Pride flag.

Vice president Mike Pence defended the ban on flying the pride flag last week: “When it comes to the American flagpole and the American embassies, one American flag flies.”
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