Research: young people accept LGBT+ less than before

Usually seen as the most open-minded group, 18 to 34-year-olds showed a clear decrease in comfort level around LGBT people in various situations.

The Accelerating Acceptance Index discovered that 36 percent of young Americans would feel "very" or "somewhat" uncomfortable if a family member belonged to the LGBT community, compared to 29 percent in the 2018 report. 34 percent said they were uncomfortable with an LGBT doctor, as opposed to 27 percent in 2018. Also, 39 percent said they felt uncomfortable if their child would receive LGBT history lessons in school, compared to just 30 percent last year.

"In our surveys we usually see young people working hard on issues such as gender equality, immigration and climate change," John Gerzema said,, CEO of research agency The Harris Poll, who conducted the survey together with GLAAD. "So it is surprising to see a remarkable erosion of acceptance for the LGBT community, which counteracts many of the assumptions we make about their values ​​and beliefs. In this dark age, tolerance - even among young people - now seems to be eroded. These days nothing can be taken for granted."

When they were separated by gender, 43 percent of non-LGBT men aged 18 to 34 felt uncomfortable with a family member being a part of the LGBT community.  This is an increase of 11 percent compared to last year. 40 percent of the young women said they felt uncomfortable if their child would receive LGBT + history lessons at school, that was 27 percent in 2018.

GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis said: "The sharp and rapid rise of divisive rhetoric, both in politics and in culture, now has a negative impact on younger Americans and coincides with a disturbing pattern of anti-LGBT + violence and while remembering the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, LGBT people and allies must be visible and vigilant. "
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