Lesbian couple attacked during Amsterdam Pride

Both women got punched in the face and had to carry on with bruises, a swollen nose and a busted lip. “It was so frightening. All we did at home was cry. People sometimes look up when we hold hands, but people have never been physical," Sazanova told Dutch news outlet Het Parool. “My girlfriend is from Brazil and I from Kazakhstan. We might expect something like this in our own country but not in Amsterdam. And then it even happens during the Pride. "

The couple subsequently reported the incident to the police. However, the police indicated that the chance of catching the perpetrators is very small: “It was dark, they had a black scooter and we did not remember the license plate. We really didn't think about that at the time. ”

In their conversation with Het Parool, the couple also made clear why the incident emphasizes the importance of Pride: “People sometimes ask: why do you celebrate Pride? Why is it necessary to talk about it? Because of this. What happened to us can happen to any couple. It still happens, also in Amsterdam."
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