Birmingham students request parents to stop protesting

Anderton Park Primary School, Birmingham, Education, Gay, headteacher, Homophobia, Homophobic, lessons, LGBT News, Protests, School, Twitter,
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Shakeel Afsar leads the protest, eventhough he doesn't have kids going to the school. He recently said that parents are being presented as homophobic and claimed that this is not true, despite the fact that the parents brought anti-LGBTQ banners.

The parents want headteacher Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson to be fired because she gives LGBTQ informational lessons. Hewitt-Clarkson posted a photo of a letter written by students on Twitter. The letter reads:  “We are unhappy because you are being rude to all of the students and teachers especially our headteacher.So please don't disturb us when we are trying to learn and don't lie to us. Thank you, APS."

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