Thousands of protesters at anti-Pride march in Belgrade

The upcoming, officially banned, EuroPride is causing tension in Serbia. Last Sunday, thousands of opponents protested in the capital Belgrade. They called on the government of lesbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić to uphold the ban.
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The controversy surrounding EuroPride, which is held in a different European city each year, started a few weeks ago when an influential bishop expressed disgust at the event: "If I had a weapon, I would use it," Bishop Nikanor said. "I will curse anyone who organizes and participates in such a thing."

Religious citizens have since expressed dissatisfaction with the upcoming event. A large demonstration took place a month ago.

Two weeks ago, right-wing president Aleksandar Vučić's position shifted over the event. After the bishop's statements, the event still had his support, but as opposition grew in his country, he announced that EuroPride was cancelled due to "security reasons".

That did not put an end to the plans of the EuroPride organization, so opponents of the event took to the streets again on Sunday, something that was allowed to continue. According to Reuters news agency, participants carried Serbian flags, but there were also expressions of support for Russia. For example, there are photos of a protester carrying a photo of Vladimir Putin.

Provided everything can go ahead, EuroPride will take place in Belgrade from 12 to 18 September. The fact that the event takes place in conservative Serbia is special. LGBT+ people have few rights and acceptance of the LGBT+ community is low, as evidenced by several protests against the event.

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